Spotting Could I be Pregnant?

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    I normally have very heavy periods they’re always on time. This month I got my period 2 days sooner but it was only very light pink I didn’t even need a pad. that lasted a few days and then it turned brown and shed a little of my lining not enough to get on a pad just only when I wiped. I have had mild cramps on and off not like normal. I’ve been spotting on and off since April 3rd I have taken two HPT and both negative. I have been light headed I have been very tired and hungry. I have noticed my boobs gettting bigger. I almost threw up this morning over a food commercial. If not pregnant anyone else have any of these symptoms also I don’t know what else it could be.


    well you should deffinately go to a doctor to get your blood drawn…alot of women (myself included) dont show pregnancy on a hpt very soon…if your hormones are not elevated enough it wont pick it up….a blood test is usually more accurate in earlier pregnancy…..I dont know how old you are but you should talk with your mom or go to a pregnancy resource center…tehy give great cousel and free to low cost services….Meg

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