Okay so I need an answer…I don’t know who to ask. I was on the Depo Provera shot from July 2005 to March 2006. I got off, because I didn’t like the fact that weird hormones in my body, and as weird as it sounds, I wanted a period. So I switched to birth control pills. I recently stopped taking them, I took my last pill September 28th 2006 (not too long ago). Well that was the last of the pack anyway. I decided to skip my next pack so I could change packs cuz I kept having really bad cramps during my period. I haven’t exactly gotten my new pack yet. Anyways, so I have been having unprotected sex afterwards. I actually know the dates that I had unprotected sex, it was October 5th, 7th and 8th that I had unprotected sex and he ejaculated inside me. Is there any possible way that I could be pregnant? I know it’s so soon to tell, cuz today is October 9th, but today I went pee and I noticed that on my underwear was like a light brown spot and I’m not supposed to start my period til October 23rd. I have never ever spotted between periods so that’s why I thought it was weird. What does this mean…does anyone know??