soooooo heart broken

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    well im going on 15 weeks preg with my 7th n i found out this wek my baby has no heartbeat so i will miscarry i have to go into the hosp tuesday to be put into labor to del. this baby im so heart broken i wonder why me this never happen to me before whos fault is it,im so scared n now my husband says he cant come with me cause he cant deal with that how does he think i feel this is one of the worst feelings in the world and all you can do is cry not all at once either but everyonce in a while you just break down:( i just started to get over a long haul on depression my mom died 4 yrs ago n i just started to feel better about it now i have this so its a whole relapse kind of thing i dont know how to feel im trying my hardest to stay strong for my kids but it isnt working that way im just breaking down slowly:(


    awww…im so sorry…your husband should really be there for you because its going to make your depression worse for you to be alone…keep talkin to him about it and make him go…im sorry babe…
    —Love Samantha


    I’m so sorry. I’ve never experienced a miscarriage, but I know women who have, and I have to say your husband is making a terrible decision if he doesn’t go and support you. I have recurrent depression, but I got help many years ago and it’s stabilized. I hope you will seek help should you feel yourself slipping. Amy


    im sorry to hear about your loss and it goes to show that also being over 12 weeks isnt the safety zone its meant to be is it. Its not fair when these things happen to the good people, i mean i dont wish it upon anyone but you know what i mean. I hope things look up for you in the future.take care and dont go blaming yourself either!


    u can’t force ur hubby to go…it won’t help either of u to deal with the loss of the baby…all u can do is talk to him and tell him how u feel and tell him u need him there even if he just sits in the car outside…and i know how u feel about loosing ur mom, my mom also died 4 yrs ago (when i was 14 i’m now 18)…..

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