sooo emotional

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    iam 18 and 14 weeks pregnant and……l8tly ive been soo emotional and i have no one to talk to about it right now im worried that this is putting a stain on my relationship b/c im allways crying and upset dose this mean that when this comes im not gonna be the person my lil one needs someone plz help me



    It is not uncommon for strong emotions during pregnancy as the body undergoes drastic changes both in preparation and physically with hormones. If you are worried about emotions affecting the relationship bring it up and discuss it with your boyfriend. You are certainly not alone. If you need to talk I’m glad to listen. You will be a fine mother. I know that it is hard but hang in there. Best Wishes



    thanx kate
    im feeling a lil better now i go to find out the sex of the baby soon i appreciate u taking time to reply
    britneybee :ohmy:


    πŸ™‚ P.S
    i also found out the other day at the doctors im 17 weeks pregnant due june 2 2006 πŸ˜› yay


    o thats awful!!!!! not that youre pregnant that your due in june! thats soooooo far away! i was the worst! i was due this past september 30th. around march i started asking if it was september yet! and then she didnt come til october 4th!!! brat! πŸ˜› but congrats thats so exciting. i kinda miss it already but im not doing this again for at least five years!


    hi i what your going through. i am 14 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and sometimes i cants stop crying its not that i dont want the baby its just the hormones. sometimes you just need a good cry. thats great how they moved your date up. mines the 7 july 2006. im am not going to find out the sex this time. i already have a girl and a boy. but dont worry its ok.


    Oh my!! I know how you feel!!! i’m 15 weeks and i cry if someone looks at me the wrong way! its terrible but its not any of our fault! darn hormones! Dont be all down on yourself hun, it happens to all of us! πŸ˜›

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