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    i had an abortion on the 6th of jan, and also had the bar put in my arm, my boyfriend and i were sexually active one week after abortion, its not been 5 weeks and im having pregnantcy symptoms again, but i dont know if its even possible, can anyone pleas help me ?


    i looked up your problem a little bit and there is a slight chance that you are prgnant again..
    the best thing to do is go to the dr and get checked for an accurate answer….
    birth control while you are pregnant is very dangerous. it can not only harm the baby..but you as well


    i think its unlikely but possible…. u should take a blood test to be 100% sure if ur preg or not….good luck! let us know what the result is


    thankyou heaps, i had a drs appointment a couple of days ago, and am now booked in for a blood test, ill let you know how that goes,ox


    Hey.. yeah it could be possible.. that you are pregnant again.. Ill pray for you..

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