Some good news:

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  • #16343

    Some good news…

    I have been busy, and obviously I haven’t been on here in a while. However, I want to thank everyone that has read and commented on "My Story" (Under Sisters)… I also wanted to say that I am doing well. My daughter is growing up so fast, but I am enjoying every minute of it… I am now out of school, and have been accepted into the community college around where I live. (1/2 hour drive)… I am looking into getting a degree into: OfficeTechnology Medical Assistant…. I just got the accpetance letter this past week, so I am very pleased with that. Of course, now I have to take the testing and all that good stuff…. Other then that, I am staying home with my daughter, which is great. It’s like being in school- we have school time, play time, even craft time…

    I have to get going for now… But….

    How has everyone been doing? 😉

    Take Care,


    Well congratulations and thank you for the example of taking resonsibility and pursuing you eduacation with a child…for the girls out there who say "I cant finish school with a baby" or "I didnt mean to get pregnant…I’ll have an abortion" please look at this example and know that it is possible……God has different plans for us all…for some of us its school, for some its work, for some its both, and for others He might just bring you a husband and allow you to stay home and be a full time mommy…dont give up hope no matter what..Meg


    Hey Nicki, it’s nice to see that you are doing good and enjoying your time with your daughter. You sound like you are a very good mom. I can’t wait until my babygirl is here! I haven’t gotten the chance to read your story yet, but I’ll get around to it! : ) Take care of yourself and your little girl!!


    I’m glad all is looking up for you! Its crazy how fast kids grow and you seem to sort of miss it.

    My 2yo girl is great..she is outta that toddler stage now and is my little girl. Telling ME when she needs to do wee wee on the potty and strips down, lol

    I’am 34weeks pregnant and cant wait for the time to pass so i can have him out. All this pressure is hurting my back and yep…. im ready for it!


    I am so glad to hear you are doing so well!!! You sound like a wonderful mom and you are the perfect example to any woman – doesnt matter what age or status. Please keep in touch…we need people like you in the forum to keep the spirit up and give advise. God Bless….YollyB)

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