Sober mommies and drunk daddies

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    Leave. Leave now! My father was, is , and will die a drunk. WONDERFUL man, EXCELLENT provider, BUT DRUNK! I can not stomach the idea of raising my 2 children with an alcoholic father (or mother). I myself have, by the grace of God, been able to maintain sobriety over drugs. There are far too many stable, unabusive, and willing men out there. You are young, don’t settle for less than what both you and your children deserve!


    Now if only everyone could see when someone was a drunk, or a drug attict, i know to many girls who figured their man just had a beer now and then, lived together and realized he was a drunk that beat them and wouldnt leave, one of which has a 10 month old daughter, and we recently had to basically rescue her, so before you make a move, think about it, and get to know the peson..

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