So Scared!

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  • #17308

    Hey, I cant make the decision for u no one can. U have to follow your heart. Do u want to keep it? What do u believe is the right thing? I had an abortion in October of 2006. I did it in order to not tell my family. I have never believed in it nor do i now. I regret it and what is worse today would of been my first mothers day and my baby would be about a month. Not a day goes by that i dont think about what would of could of been. Listen eo ur heart, dont be scared into something u dont 100 % want to do.


    Yes, I agree. You should tell your mom. I didn’t and she found out the night before my abortion and I found out she was very supportive, and would’ve helped me along the way. You have no idea the guilt you will feel for the rest of you life..everytime I see a child or a little baby..I just want to break down. I miss him/her so very much and wish I could undo what I did…Please reconsider….

    princess Angela

    Hey Molly,

    I was in your position 8 months ago my baby would have been due July 6th and my bf and his mum made me abort so far since that and since we have been broken up i have fallin in and out of depression and also been in a car accident in which i nearly died in!!!!

    Is all i have to say to you the abortion is not pain ful and you dont think about it at the time…..its the aftermath of what you did that kills you i would never ever do it again it makes me sick i miss my little girl everyday of my life. People learn in different ways i hope you have the strength to say no your keeping it i wished i had the strenght to but now i am tryin for another baby with my bf:)

    I wish you luck!!!

    Angela xoxox


    first of all, congrats on your pregnancy, and second of all, you arent alone, you must do whatever you want to do, not what everyone else wants you to do. Its your body, your life and you make the decision you think is right 🙂

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