SO scared… am I pregnant?

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    Hello. I am 15 years old and my boyfriends and I have a VERY stong relationsgip. We became sexually active. On Nov.3 we had a condon slip off. We both paniced. My expected period was 5 days late and I was only splotting. I took 2 home tests THAT week and both said negative. I figured since they said negative and I "got my period" I had nothing to fear.
    Since then I have put on aprox. 10 pounds and am weighing the most in my life right now. My Dec. peiod is about 2 weeks late. My breast are quiet tender (which is also a key sign of my period) but I have also had some pritty bad headaches, and stomach aches.
    My family is COMPLETLY against pre-marital sex and I would be thrown out if I am. I can not get down to a clinic to get tested because my parents must known my wareabouts 24/7. I can only take home tests, shoulds I take another one, or should I just assume I’ve skipped a month (which is also semi-normal)???


    well, two month is a pretty long time for a late period….. so i would recomend you taking another test…. have in mind that for some stange reaso it can stil come negative even if you are pregnant. in my first pregnancy, in which i had a misscariage, i had 5 neg, then i went to the doc and took a blood test and cam out pisitive….. so try 2 more tests, one this week, the next week the other, if nothing and your perod still not come you will defenatly have to find a way to go to the doc…… if you are you will show sooner or later and your parents will find out any ways….
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!;)


    well, two month is a pretty long time for a late period….. so i would recomend you taking another test…. have in mind that for some stange reaso it can stil come negative even if you are pregnant. in my first pregnancy, in which i had a misscariage, i had 5 neg, then i went to the doc and took a blood test and cam out pisitive….. so try 2 more tests, one this week, the next week the other, if nothing and your perod still not come you will defenatly have to find a way to go to the doc…… if you are you will show sooner or later and your parents will find out any ways….
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!;)


    i think you should take another home preg test as thy take about a month to register if u are preg. not having a regular period at your age is very normal, i dont have a reg period and i am 19 n i am fine its just the way my body works. take another test asap so u can sort things out. we are all here 4 ya. keep in touch


    If you’ve had sex since your first negative test, you could even be pregnant from that time on. Also, you might’ve taken the test too soon. If you’re saying you are now two weeks late, I’d go ahead and take another test…


    well it sounds to me like u are pregnant so just take another test as soon as u wake up in the morning it is said that the morning urine is most accurate..


    Hello there,
    I know how scared you are right now, I recently just had a pregnancy scare. I really don’t think you are pregnant. I think that you are 15 years old so your preiod at your age is NEVER going to be normal unfortunatly until you are a little older or go on the pill. I think the whole illness side of it is just you stressing yourself out to the point of feeling sick. Although, if you want to take one more test to be very sure I think thats a good idea…



    Hey Im scarlett Im 14 almost 15 but I had the same thing happen to me I was 2 1/2 weeks late and was so sick in the mornings and afternoons. and just last week I got my period. Did you take the test right after you and your boyfriend had sex? If so then most likly the test wouldnt be able to know if you were pregnant or not. Trust me those tests mess up alot cuz like 5 monthes ago I went to a party and I got so drunk I didnt rember anything that happend that night and I had 4 people tell me that I had sex with this guy that was 18 but I also had 4 or 5 people tell me that I didnt. I was so scared cuz I was a virgin and I couldnt get ahold of him to find out if we had. so I had to take like 4 different pregnancy tests and 1 of them came back positive well later when I got ahold of him he said that we didnt do anything but kiss. So you never know with tests . Well if you ever want to talk to someone that close to your age cuz I know that some times when you talk to people that are older then you it can feel like there judging you and think yous stupid cuz your younger.

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