So Scared

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    Im 14 years old and on April 11 me and my boyfriend were in my room it was my first time and we didnt use a condom but I used the day after pill 2 days later but I have had like 4 of my friends say that the pill dont work and now I have been feeling sick and like 5 of my friends have told me that most likely I am pregnent and I dont know what to do.


    yes that could be true hunni spesh as u used the pill 2days later! it may be too early to tell yet tho.wens ur next period due???? dont panik yourself we are all on here to support eachother…remember bad things can be turned into good u’ve justgot to look at it differently…im emillie im 17 and im 7 wks and 1 day preg..w/bplz xxx


    you wont be able to tell that your pregnant yet. its not bin long since u had sex. and the pill does work i have been on it for about 2 years and i havent got pregnant but u can get pregnant wilst on it. but i have missed loadsa my pills and still had sex and never got pregnant. i missed 4 pills in 1 go once. just dont be worried. x


    It is possible that you could get pregant since you didn’t use protection and since you waited two days to take the morning after pill. whens your period? and dont freak yourself out, else your body may create false symptoms. Maybe all of the worrying is what is making you sick. So calm down, just wait to know for sure. Dont worry yourself because that is just stressful


    if he didn’t use the pull out method, you could surely be pregnant because the day after pill doesn’t always work. don’t worry, worrying too much will cause you to get fake pregnancy symptoms (this has happened to me). one thing that could be wrong is you could be feeling sick because your body isn’t used to sperm. be calm and after you know for sure your period is late, take a test.


    im scared too im 4 weeks pregnent and this pregnancy is because of a rape i am 15 years old


    i am 17 and scared to i am 31 weeks when are u due for ur next preiod and dont be worryed it will all work out in the end what do u think that ur parents well say if u are:)


    take a test 4 all u no the pill could have made u sick take it 4rm me any thing can happen

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