so confused… need some help :)

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms so confused… need some help :)

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      ok here’s my situation, sorry if it’s a bit long…
      i had my daughter 4 months ago on the 18/06/09 and since she was a month old i have suspected i was pregnant again, i have taken numerous tests and all say negative, havn’t taken a test for the past month though. i have a lot of symptoms and i even have a pregnant ‘bump’ so i don’t understand.
      now, about 3 weeks ago i started taking the mini pill ‘cerazette’ as the preg tests said neg, after a week of being on this pill i started to bleed, i bled for a week, had the worst headaches and stomach cramps ever so stopped taking it, it has now been a week since i stopped taking the mini pill and i am still bleeding on and off (ranging from pink to bright red and sometimes not even enough to need a pad) so i really don’t understand.
      i thought i was pregnant, but tests say no, and now the unexplainable bleeding.
      i was just wondering if anyone could give me any input as to whats going on? and if i still am pregnant i don’t know how i would date it as i’ve had this irregular bleeding for 2 weeks now.
      thankyou in advance ๐Ÿ™‚ x


        I think you should stop having sex at least until you get all this situated, that way if you are not pregnant you wont become pregnant in the meantime….with that said you should get a blood test 2 weeks after you have stopped having sex, that way it will be most accurate, as for your birth control…there is not one single contraceptive that is 100% effective 100% of the time, you are always going to be taking a risk by having sex, protected or not, and along with that taking a pill or any other hormone based contraceptive can really mess with your system…the hormones often “trick” your body into thinking it is pregnant so that you wont become pregnant…it is ultimately your choice but there can be a lot of benefits to not having sex until you are married, sometimes when you have a baby and you are still with the dad you feel like it would be strange to not have sex but hey, maybe that will make him want to commit sooner…LOL…you are the one who has to make that decision and I am not going to lecture you but it sounds like the whole birth control and sex thing is not working out to be an easy care free experience….also you may feel like you have a baby belly because your daughter is only 4 months old, I used to get phantom kicks months after I gave birth, your body goes through so much during pregnancy and birth and it takes a while to get back to “normal” if that is ever possible..LOL…just hang in there and stop having sex at least until you get this all situated….Love Meg


          ok, so just an update, have basically stopped bleeding now ๐Ÿ™‚ which is a massive relief!
          so when i’m deffo sure i’ve stopped we are gonna start trying for another baby ๐Ÿ™‚
          i will update you all on our progress and when we finally do get preg again ๐Ÿ™‚
          wish us luck! xx

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