Skin changes?

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  • #28136

    Hey there everyone :).
    I’ve got a bunch of pregnancy symptoms, but I’m just curious about the kinds of skin changes that can happen in early pregnancy. I’ve been trying to research it, but I can’t really find what I’m looking for. I have dry skin, always have. However, a couple days ago, my neck broke out in really intense dry patches. I have a tendency to scratch at my dry skin, and now my neck is going somewhat raw. I use an intense moisturizer made of oatmeal immediately after I shower, and I use a perscription excema cream for super dry patches that pop up, but now this new patchy-ness doesn’t seem to cure as easily. Most of the patches went away last night afer I supersoaked them with moisturizer, but there’s still one that’s bugging me, and I was just curious, could my sudden increase in dry skin be due to pregnancy hormones? MY skin normally acts up when the weater changes, but it’s more in the fall/winter change than the winter/spring change. Any answers are greatly appreciated! 🙂


    Each woman has such different hormones, pregnant or not so something like dry skin is a really hard pregnancy predictor, I will inform you of one thing though, in the event of KNOWING you are pregnant, DON’T SCRATCH!!! Causes stretch marks, my boobs ALWAYS itched when I was pregnant with my first, I would just sit there and scratch scratch scratch away, yeaaaaaah, the whole underside of my breasts got really bad stretch marks…they have faded and are no longer bright red like they used to be but it sucks…DON’T SCRATCH!!!


    It kind of sounds like Psoriasis. Since you already have skin problems pregnancy will only exacerbate the problem. About your hormones, usually pregnancy hormones don’t make your skin dry like you say.Your body is producing a fair amount of hormones that cause your oil glands to work in over drive.* I also wanted to add that you cannot get stretch marks from simply scratching. lol Stretch marks are genetic. There is nothing you can do to prevent it or get rid of it.*


    Alright, just curious, that’s all. Whatever it is is getting better with the Topicort I’ve been using, so I’m not overly worried. It just really hurt for a day or so because I scratched it too much.

    Ad I’ve already resigned myself to having stretch marks as Kyle and I want a big family, and I got stretch marks during puberty on my thighs, butt and breasts as well. I have some vitamin E oil that I used on my surgical scar several years back that helped fade the stretch marks I already have, so I’ll probably just stick with using that with my future pregnancies.

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