should i leave him?

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    I’m 7 months pregnant. The father and i have been together for 3 years. He wanted to have a baby so i got pregnant. Now he’s so distant and he acts like he doesn’t want me or the baby. He ignores me he yells at me over nothing and I’ve been so stressed out this entire pregnancy I want the guy he once was back. I feel that maybe after the baby is born things will change for the better but then again i am scared it will only get worse. I love this man with all of my heart, we’re engaged to get married and have been for 2 years. Should i leave him and do this on my own or should i wait it out and just deal with whats going on? I need some advice please someone help me out



    Have you talked with him about how you are feeling? If you are engaged and have been together for a while I would try to work things out. If, however, he is ever physically or emotionally abusive, then it would be a different story- if that is the case you can do much better and I would seriously reconsider the relationship before you get married. I would tell your fiance that you are feeing hurt and ignored and that his short temper is hurting you. That you love him but you have concerns about your relationship. Hopefully he will listen and treat you better. Best wishes.


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