should I go back to him?

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    Connor. Think about Connor and what will ultimatly be best for you, your well-being and state-of-mind and his, also. I am a divorced mother of a now 2 year old daughter, I was the one who messed up my marriage (drugs did have to do with it) and I was the one in Glenn’s shoes. It turned out that the divorce and the time alone with myself and addiction was what was best for my daughter, my ex-husband and myself. Sure, I love my husband, I thought I’d die if I didn’t get him back. If I’d been happy and setteled in my life, heart, and mind, then I wouldn’t have done such terrible things to my daughter and him in the first place. Glenn has always loved you and Connor, of this I am sure. Time passes and things change, always for a reason. Sounds like you have a wonderful, loving, and sincere person in your life. If it were me, I would not take him back. My ex did not take me back. It has been the best thing for us all. My daughter has her true-mommy back, I grew-up and found out who I was and wanted to be (a mommy). Just my thoughts, anyhow. I hope it’ll help?

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