Should I feel like this?

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  • #11792

    Hi girls…i am new to the site,,,and let me tell you what a relief it is to know there are others of you out here…i am 20 years old and have been with my b/f for 4 yrs on my bday we live together and our relationship is pretty strong… lately we have casually tossed the idea of having a little one around…i couldnt express how happy i was when he brought it up…i want to have a baby but am quite young i’ll be 21 in nov…ive always wanted to be a young mom…is it wrong for me to want a child so soon…???…


    hi, i just read your question, and well let me say it’s nothing wrong that you and your bf want to have a baby this young, I got pregnant with my first boy at your age and is been wonderful see him grow so fast going to kindergarden and all the little things he does it’s the best i did and i don’t regreted, he’s 5 he’ll be 6 next january, one little thing is you have to be realy sure you want to have a baby, because everything will change, you wouldn’t be able to go party so late, drink or things like that, this is when you have to STOP thinking about you and START thinking about the little person that will be growing inside you, make sure you realy want this, like i say is a beautiful feeling having this little baby growing and moving once he/she is inside, but if you are more than 100 % sure to go for it, then a have to say congratulations for your future news!!! but if you decide to wait same thing, you’re young and have along way to decide when will be the perfect time for the three of you to become a family!!!

    best wishes for you two!!


    Hi i’m new to this site too 🙂 and no way is it wrong! My mummy got married at 18 then had me at 19!! So i don’t think your to young at all. If you want to do something and you feel ready then you should go for it. I can’t wait to be a mummy but im only 17 (18 in DEC) i want to wait until im in my 20’s but god i dont know what it is but i REALLY want a child lately!

    Like i said if you want do something do it!

    Hope all goes well 🙂

    Miss Boop

    That’s beautiful!!! I think you two would make great parents because you’re doing everything step by step!!! Since you have a strong relationship and have weighed the pros and cons i don’t see why it wouldn’t be suitable for you two. But if you have any doubts what-so-ever then wait until after your 21st birthday. Let time go without thinking or talking about it and then bring it up. See then if you have the same, if not, stronger feelings about wanting to have a baby!!! I hope all goes well. ~Soon-to-be mom of a beautiful BABY BOY!!!

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