Should I be worried?

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    Im 15 yrs old and I’ve been having unprotected sex for about a month now. My period has never been "normal". It usually switches between 5 & 6 wks apart every month. So my last cycle was from Jul.11-16th. I had unpro. sex 3 days b4 that cycle. But I heard u can be pregg n still get ur per. I also had unpro. sex about 3 other times after that cycle. I can’t help but think I’m pregg. Its 2 early 2 decide if I missed my per yet. I havent had any symptoms xcept nausea. I dont actually throw up but I feel the watery taste in my mouth I get b4 throwing up :sick: I jus need some girl-2-girl advice.Thanx :silly:


    i wouldn’t quite worry about it yet. i also had my last period on july 11th. but my cycles have been kinda messed up to begin with, the last one was about 35 days.. and the one before that was probably almost 2 months. i’d give it a few more weeks before you jump to conclusions. keep posted


    It may be irregualarities in your cycle. I had a very irregular cycle before I was on birth control – that lead to a couple of pregnancy scares. Some tests you can take a few days before your cycle would normally start. However the results are most accurate after you miss your period. If you think you might be pregnant the best way to know for sure is to take a test. If you don’t want to become pregnant I would reccommend that you don’t continue to have unprotected sex. Either wait until you are both ready and committed to having a child or use protection and/or birth control. Good luck!


    Hey! I think that if you dont want to worry about it then you probably shouldnt be having unprotected sex. I got pregnant when I was 16 and my story was kind of similar to yours I never had normal every month periods and i had the nausea too I think you should fing out for sure and if you arent put yourself on bc. You’ll thank yourself later!!!

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