Should i be so protective???

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    Hi there, my name is jenna im 21 and my husband and i have been trying since november 06.

    I have been experiencing wierd pains/ cramps and been suffering from heartburn all the time and many more!!! :sick: Due to these symtoms i have the feeling i may be pregnant, i am going to take a test on sunday to check!!

    I have been feeling very protective over my stomach lately and don’t even like it when my husband trys laying with me and slightly knocks my stomach. If you slightly knock your stomach while pregnant can it harm the baby? or does it have to be a huge knock for it to be affected? I have heard some uncomforting stoires.:(

    Please, any advice is welcome!

    Thank you



    I took the test and it was negative 🙁 🙁


    some one barely hitting ur belly wont hurt…if it did we would have to live in giant plastic saftey bubbles when we are preg….don’t worry so much, it usually takes a lot to hurt the baby in there….


    In the bible a womans womb is refered to as "the lowest parts of the earth" Ps.139:15 God created a womans body to carry children. He designed our bodies to help nurish and protect the baby. In most women a gentle nudge in the tummy wont hurt the baby. My sister is one of the many women I know who fell down really hard during pregnancy and she and the baby were fine. We do need to be careful and responsible with our bodies especially when we have a little one inside but we are not fragile like egg shells or anthing. God has also given us a maternal instinct. Even before our baby is born we "know" him/her and we have this love that cannot be explained. We have the need to protect our babies and we should. I think you will be a great mommy but you should let your hubby get a little closer to you. When a baby’s ears are developed they can hear inside the womb. If your preg that is a good way for the daddy to start bonding with the baby. take care….Meg


    Hiya, thats a good point, it think im just over reacting!!!

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