[color=#800080][i][b]Well im 14 .me and my ex boyfriend went out for 3 months on the 2 month i cheated on him with one of my ex’s and we had sex and didnt use protection..
i dont no if i am pregnant or anything i think im just scared..but i have pretty much have every symptom possible for a pregnant person
but a few days ago i got really drunk and hurled alot
and i am wondering if me getting drunk would have killed
the chance of me being pregant..
but even since then i have been feeling sick
with differnt symptoms..
and i dont want to tell my ex boyfriend(3 months)
or my ex ex because im scared that they will think that
i am only saying that so they be with me and i really dont no what to do
please help me asap[/b][/i][/color] :blink: :S