sex of the baby!

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    okk so im now 14 weeks and 5 days i wanna know when can i know the sex of the baby my friend is 16 weeks and she knows she is having a booy can they tell that soon!! how soon can the tell what the sex of the baby is! i wanna know soo bad i feel a boy but i wanna be positive haha!:laugh: :laugh:

    <3 krissie


    well yea you can allready find out, but so REALLY sure the sex can be told after 20 weeks, some babies are so called late blummers, can look like a girl, but eventualy his pee-pee comes “out”.
    i found out with my girls when i was about your time pregnant.


    I had a friend who had two boys and was pregnant again, she found out she was having a girl and was totally ecstatic!! I threw her a baby shower and everything was pink frilly bows, dresses and ribbons…two weeks later at an appointment (she had a lot of complications and had many ultrasounds, 4 had confirmed a girl though) her doctor told her that Abigail would be a really bad name for a BOY! I cried, she cried but it all worked out, he was a really cute sweet little guy so all is well now…LOL…he is just stuck with the nickname Abigail for life!!


    Meg, that’s the funniest story. xD

    Yeah, usually it’s pretty positive at 20 weeks. That’s when I found out. 🙂 I’d be careful with the buying things until you’re REALLY, REALLY positive! 🙂 Good luck and congratulations!!!

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