School or Baby?

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    Hi everyone,

    I am 21 years old and 4 weeks pregnant. One of the happiest days of my life was getting accepted into pharmacy school. I have worked so hard to get to this point in my life and now I might have to throw it all away. I absolutely adore children and I would love to have this baby, but I am not sure how I am going to support it.

    I take care of myself with scholarship money. The baby’s father is older than me and he is not very supportive at all. I was the one person in my family who always made the right decisons and was supposed to graduate on time with a successful degree. If I have this baby, I think I would have to drop out of school. I would be letting alot of people down and letting go of my dream.

    I would like to have this baby and continue with school. Any advice from someone who has gone to school full-time and taken care of a baby would be greatly appreciated.


    I know that I am 22 now and am going to law school in the fall, I am 13 weeks Pregnant so You know it will be hard but doable. I have a sizable finaid package and will be getting a family apartment and the school offers daycare. It doesn’t make it easy but it makes it doable. I say go for it and do both. Research your options for child care and such. As a parent yuo may get alot of grants but you must be determined b/c it is very hard.
    I wish you luck


    Do both!!! I am 20, and am in the 8th month of my pregnancy and still working on my bachelors. The father is gone, we were "perfect" together until baby made three, so it’s just me and baby. But I encourage you to have your baby and go to school. You sound like you really do want to keep your baby. I too have a family apartment on campus, which make things easier, and will take my son to daycare once he is old enough. I am currently full time, and I will deliver in the middle of the semester. I’ve talked to my professors, and they all are willing to work with me. I only had to drop one class because the prof did not want to work something out. People really will work with you, the world can’t punish you for having children! Children are amazing and wonderful. And financially, there are a lot of programs that can help you so that you will be able to make ends meet while raising your baby and continuing with school. Best of luck, and keep me updated dear 🙂


    Hey! Your situation sounds a lot like mine. I was always an "easy" teen that always made the right choices. I was in my third year of college when I got pregnant. I don’t have the support of my baby’s father, but I do have loving friends and relatives that help out, and an amazing baby-sitter. I kept going with school, and honestly have been less of a procrastinator since having my baby because when I have time to do my homework, I absolutely have to do it. So, I have learned to schedule my time and become more organized. Is it hard? At times. Basically, the hardest part for me is when I have homework to do, I can’t give my child my full attention. But, I’ve finally learned that she’ll be fine – most parents work all day, not giving their child full attention. I just go to school. I don’t work right now, I’m living off my school loans, and also get welfare checks (which I used to be ashamed of, but now accept because I know I will only be on welfare as long as I’m in school). I could work parttime, but I give my time to my daughter and to school, realizing that she will only be little once. I will be finishing my classes this Spring semester, and doing my internship next fall. I’m graduating after 6 years instead of 4, but it really isn’t because of having a baby – it’s because I transferred twice and changed my major 🙂 Anyway, I wish you luck and I know you can do it!!!



    My name is Rachel and I’m part of the StandUpGirl team.

    I’m 20 years old, and I have a daughter who is 3. I had her when I was 16, and got my GED then and started college right away.

    I always planned on going to medical school and becoming a medical doctor. It was what I knew all of my life that I wanted to do. When I got pregnant, I couldn’t figure out how to fit that into my dreams. I couldn’t see how it would work out… but everything has worked out, and it has all ended up so much better than I could have imagined. My life has changed so much, and I have been so blessed.

    I ended up changing my plans some because I found a different program that I’d rather do (getting my Ph.D. instead), and I can still do that. Just because you get pregnant and become a mother, does not mean that you can’t have a successful future! There are so many women today that have amazing careers and make such a difference every day who go home to their children at night and continue their amazing career as a mother. There can be two parts to it!

    I won’t have my undergraduate work completed in 4 years like a lot of people do, but in 5 years instead. I’ve gone to school full time, but have taken off in the summers and managed my schedule around my job also. It’s important to me to spend time with my daughter in the evenings and on weekends as much as I can. I know that I’m working hard to get my degree, and then to go on to graduate school. And then I’ll continue working hard. It just may take a little bit longer. My greatest motivation to write killer essays and to do a good job on tests is knowing that in the end I will be able to provide for my daughter.

    I know it may seem now like getting pregnant has ruined things for you, or like you can’t achieve your goals now, or like you’ve let your family down. But I promise you that if you hang in there and keep working hard, even if you have to alter your plans a little bit, you won’t let your baby down. Your family might be counting on you, but your baby is counting on you too.

    Email me if you ever want to talk,

    Hang in there, things will get better!



    being a single mom can have benefits, like getting student loans or scholarships because you are a single mom, schools love to help single parents get through school….so just find out if ur school has such programs….good luck…


    hi there! i’m going to college right now! I am married and working and i still got a full pell grant for my school! talk to a financial advisor and see what they can do….you would be suprised!


    OK It is so doable hun. I got pregnant when I was 15. I just finished high school a semester earlier than anyone else in my class. I start MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) this fall to become an RN. I will be supporting myself with scholarship Gov’t assistance (WIC and Food stamps) I may pick up a small job just to help ends meet better. But I tell you from someone who is doing it all right now with a 2 year old on her hip go for it hun you do not have to give up one to have the other, this time you can have your cake and eat it to, I did.


    I’m on a bit of a different page then you but i think I can relate and maybe this will help you.

    I got pregnant pretty much the day i turned 16. I was so scared. How would my parents react?? and the father?? how can i bring up a baby at such a young age?? and what about school???

    My son is 20months old now and thanks to the help of my parents i was able to stay in school I graduated from high school about a year after my sons birth and same goes for the father of my son he is a year older then me so he graduated pretty much by the time our son was born.

    You could take a gap year out of collage and then as soon as the baby is old enough you could send him to daycare while you are in collage.

    As far as abortion goes I’m completely against it!! really i cant stand the image of a baby being killed and to just think of my son it makes me feel sick, i don’t know how i could ever live with myself knowing that I was the reason a baby was killed. Remember there is always adoption..?


    I have been reading stories on here about how girls say they could not bring up a baby and in the end they gave birth and everything was fine and nothing they expected.
    I think that ANYONE can bring up a baby no matter what.

    I hope you make the right choice.

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