scared so soon…

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    hey well i went to the doctors today and im actually 5weeks pregnant.i let my boss know there was a possibility of me being pregnant and he was cool with it so taht was such a relief!!

    i know its still very early but all i can think about is giving birth,im so scared. I could cry thinking about it.
    I know towards the end ill want the baby out and all ill care about is if he/she is healthy but im petrified about the pain im 168cm tall and weigh petite. can anyone describe the feeling but being honest? i know everyone is different,i just want to know wt im up for.
    any advice please help thankyou


    For a first time mother the thought of pain in labour is a scary thought. Because you are small it shouldn’t matter, your body will accommodate if you get what i mean.
    My first birth i was in pain and then had the epidural and felt nothing, yeah it was great when the pain went but i ddnt feel the birth which i regret now.
    My son was born at home by accident which meant i didnt have anything and the pain that i thought was the worst was the burning sensation but i guess everyone is different. Try not to think of that now, you still have ages to go and enjoy the pregnancy


    actually childbirth was not all that bad. I am such a baby when it comes to pain but I had no epidural! Just sadol and phenegran. And it was worn off by the time I was pushing. My labor was pretty short and it only took a couple minutes to get her out!


    thanks for the advice.i want to try and stay away from having an epidural for as long as i can. i know i can have pethadine shots and the gas so i hope ill be able to pull through it with that.
    well id only been working for three days and my boss got rid of me so angry its gonna take alot longer to get the things i need for the baby now.
    im not even gonna be able to find a job while pregnant,so back to living off my partners wage…

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