Scared and wondering??

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    hello. im seventeen years old and a junior in high school. this past summer i got back together with an ex of mine. the first time we dated i was a freshman he was a junior well he’s stilli n school this year. the reason we broke up the first time was i wouldn’t give him what he wanted. well this time i did. and we broke up in septemeber that was the last time we had sex well since then my periods ive skipped one and the other two were one day and verrrry light. my back has hurt my boobs have hurt i’ve thrown up my appetite has changed. my next period is due in a week and i have no ideal what i should do because if i am pregnant then he has already said he’ isn’t helping because of his current girlfriend not liking me. and my parents don’t understand because he is black and i am white..

    any ideal what i should do:(


    Aw, that’s a rough situation! 🙁
    Ok, first of all you should get a home pregnancy test and take it first thing in the morning. It is better to know either way than to not know either way.
    If you are not pregnant than you don’t have to worry about how to deal with it, and if you are than take one step at a time. I know that you can do it!
    Make sure to keep us updated, ok?


    Well I know that is a difficult situation, but the best thing is to test and see what the end result will be.
    Make sure that you keep us updated!
    I’m in a situation where i am 6 days since my period was due & frequently going to the bathroom but im going to test 1st thing in the morning and see what the result is.
    Good Luck!

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