scared and pregnant

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    i just discovered that im pregnant and im feeling scared im hoping that the feeling will fade is it normal to feel this way in the beginning.


    Yes this is very normal. Just relax everything has a way of working itself out. Stay positive and we are all here to chat should you need us. Jessica


    yes it is normal to feel like this.
    most women feel excited, happy and scared all at the same time.
    i know i did. (:
    i’m here if you want to talk.
    x x


    Dont worry chicken, i felt exactly the same as you 23 weeks ago, and now im loving it, my parents have came round to the idea and feeling the little man kick is scary at first but im enjoying it now, even with the stretch marks and spots lol, everything will be fine, even now im scared but thats down to wondering how this little mans gonna pop out if such a small hole hehe


    it is very normal- especially when it is a shock-
    time heals anything- it will work out.
    relax and enjoy this pregnancy


    Well, I am glad everyone says it is normal. I have never been scared with my other pregnancies, I was happy and excited. Now with this one Im just plain scared. I hope it passes the further along we get:)

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