Scared and Lonely!

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  • #18378

    hey i am seventeen years old and live in a small town where everyone knows everything about everyone. i have been through alot in my life and have been pregnet more then once. i am now in need of people to talk to and am new to this site. i am pregnet with a ninteen year old guys kids he walked out and my world fell. he threaten to take my baby when i have it and uses things against me. i am scared and lonely i feel so lost and helpless and just need non judgemental friends to talk to if u want to know more please feel free to ask but someone please help me!!!!!!!!!:S :dry: 🙁 [/color][/size]


    Wow hun, when I saw this I thought for a moment that I had written this! Our situations are very similiar and I just want to start by letting you know it’s a great thing that you’ve come for help, because believe me, there are people out there willing to give it you. I am 15 and 6 months pregnant, I also live in a very small town and here everyone know EVERYTHING about everyone else, and then some. Luckily for me I am still with the Father, he’s 21 but lately things have been pretty strained between us. Adjusting too a new baby is hard, not that I need to tell you that! How far long are you by the way?? Anyways, Neil and I found out I was pregnant when I was 5 months so it was a big shock and believe me, you have to be strong. I’ve been through a lot in my life to, I’m a recovering crystal meth addict, I’ve lived on the streets, been in foster care, dealt with severe depression and even ended up in the hospital then psych ward because of a suicide attempt…I lost a good friend of mine in a tragic accident and I’ve dealt with betrayel, hurt, rejection, I self mutilated from when I was 11 till about 14…Life throws your hardships to keep you on your toes AND to test you, you gotta keep moving on or you’ll never make it. Be strong, that’s truly all you can do. Today even I was crying because I am so scared of having a baby, and even though Neil promised to always be there and one day marry me I always worry he might leave me, you’re facing that reality AND living with it, honestly I don’t know if I could handle it if he left me. I came here for the exact same reason you did, I even made my own forum thing call Terribly Lonely, so I can relate to some of the scary feelings you are expieriencing, I would love to be your friend and help you through whatever situation you are facing, maybe you could help me while I help you, anyways, stay strong and I’ll keep in touch ok?


    Hey! first of all make sure you have a couple people on your side near by, whether it’s just a parent or a cousin, or a close friend anything. Just someone who you can trust. That will help you a ton! If you don’t have that, no worries. It will still work out on your own it’ll just take some work. Secondly if he walks out on you he has no say in how your baby is raised. You just have to inform some local police of him threatening you and threatening to take your baby when it’s born. If he’s bluffing it’s still harassment so they can help too. So hopefully that will work itself out.
    now, with the small town thing, I know how that feels. it’s more of a small city here. But the thing is it’s very rich, snobby, and full of gossip. So It’s difficult to get pregnant here and not have a ton of people in your face or behind your back. I also know how going through so much and then having those added stresses can be so draining and make things so much harder than they have to be. But trust me when I say, it’ll get better if you try. Everything will work itself out if you try to stay positive and don’t let it discourage you. If you’re anything like me, I let the smallest things get to me so it is hard but it will fix itself just give it time. And we’re all here for support and will be there every step of the way ^_^
    take care and sorry i wrote a book for you to read haha



    Regardless of your past choices, you now need to think is what is best for you and your baby. She/he depends on you. Call 1-800-395-HELP (4357) 24 hrs a day. Bad choices in the past do not have to equal bad choices in the present/future. You are not alone.


    hey there!

    Just look at the name of this site: Stand Up Girl. Stand your ground, honey. Don’t be too scared. There are certain limitations about being in a small town but one of the good things is that people do help each other when it is needed. The baby’s father cannot take your baby from you. Wipe the teaers from your eyes and start looking for the right help. Talk to the police, talk to people i your church, even your school. You have to fight for your life and your baby’s.

    Please feel free to email me or go to my space any time if you need to talk m– especially with a guy.

    Don’t be scared. You will be fine.



    dont worry about what other people think of you n he cant just come n take your baby so dont listen to him hell dont even talk to him till you have your baby n thats for fincally help.dont be scared we are all here for you as friends did you tell your family yet n if yes tell them what hes saying to you cause he shouldnt be threaten you hes sounds very immature. but were here for you in it will work out


    hey, im so sorry to hear that, just try to be strong and us girls on stand up girl will help you keep strong..if you need anything or just wanna chat email me straight away ok..daniella

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