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  • #16350

    im 13 weeks pregnant and am a tad scared can a catscratch be dangerous while pregnant? and its infected to so should i be worried


    Nah i owuldent be worried, ive had lodsa infections n tablets while pregnant an my baby is still nice an healthy, if u are really worried go to the doctors an get it checked out, need to chat bout naythin else im here xxxxxx


    go to the doctors and et it checked out bcuz cats use their feet in the littler box and when ur preg ur supposed to stay way from the litter box becuz the cats have this bacteria in their poop that can hurt the baby…….


    I think you should be concerned about the scratch. How did you get the scratch, what caused it??


    Well, don’t let it worry you, it’s not good for your babies. I would go to the doc and get it checked out if I were you, you just want to make sure! Cause you never know what could happen. I just dont want you to regret later that you never went, so I would go to the doc, K. Good luck girl! And I am very sorry that you lost one of your babies! Even though you still have two, I know it’s not the same…


    No infection is good for your baby and needs medication that can be taken during pregnancy. I read cat litter is not good for pregnant women, as it contains something. Better go to the doctor and be safe than sorry later hun. Good luck



    Please go to the docter. Cats use their nails to scratch in litter and the pooh contains a very dangerous bacteria! This is not good if it gets in your blood and your baby picks it up. Dont stress yourself toooooo much, rather just be save and go to doc for antibiotic or just for ‘n proper clean-up and instructions on how to take care of the scratch and infection.


    I just thought that everyone should know that this user "cheerleadermommy17" has been banned, her stories didnt match up and neither did her photos on her page!!!


    really wow i didnt think the whole story could be for real…….. she seemed to have a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge amount of bad things to happen to her…. too many to be real…..

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