Ribs cramping? is this normal?

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    Hi i’m new to the site and My name is Melissa, I’m 17years old and 29weeks pregnant..this is my first pregnancy. Since yesterday morning i woke up with my ribs hurting..like cramping kinda and at first i thought maybe my son just fell asleep by my rib area..but it stood hurting the whole day, and all day today its been bothering me also. But now when i take a deep breathe…it hurts..like i dont know how to explain the pain..it doesnt hurt me that i start crying or anything. But it really hurts when i take a deep breathe..is that normal??:huh: :blink: has anyone else ever felt that way?


    i felt that way when i was pregnant with my son so i went to the doctr and they toldme that my so was just pushing up against my ribs and lungs.


    ya ifelt the exact same way a few weeks ago.it hurt to even walk. i was so scared. but i called the doctor and they said its totally normal and just to use a heating pad or take a tylenol. the reason its hapening is because your baby is growing it is pushing your internals out of the way (ouch). so its going to hurt. but i would definately call a nurse line just to double check since your farther then me 🙂


    thats the same thing my mom told me lol just wanted to make sure i wasnt the only one feeling this….thanks 4 the info


    Well u could also have a rib out of place..that happened to me alot w both of my pregnancies..good luck!

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