Remembering your Baby

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    Whether you’ve had an abortion or lost your baby to a miscarriage, us who’ve been through it, of course we’ll remember our babies, but in different ways.

    I’ve had a miscarriage and abortion. The miscarriage at 6 months and abortion at 3 months. I constantly miss both my babies and people have suggested ways of a symbolic memory for them. These include; a tattoo with their name and death date, getting a necklace made with their name and rings with their names engraved.

    I really want to remember my babies in a way similar, but not sure how. My first baby, I named her Aviana. (Sometimes Ava)

    Has anyone got any suggestions?


    Laura xo


    You might want to consider having a memorial service for each of them. Just have a really close friend or someone who really loves you there.
    I think that getting a necklace with their names on it is a neat idea.


    Hi Laura 🙂 I wrote a post a little while ago in this forum called “Remembering Baby”… In it I listed a few ides on how to to keep yr little angel’s memory alive.
    hope you find something that helps you

    love and hugs,


    Hi :cheer:

    I really like the necklace idea aswell… something symbolic, that will remind u of each baby…
    something u can wear around ur neck & have with u whenever…

    Love the name too! Really precious

    Keep well


    i had an abortion when i was 2 months i cried every night just wonderin how life would be if i had my baby and i miss my baby even though i never knew much about my baby but i felt like i did i would dream about my baby and i wish i could of just said no but i gave in to my mom but how i remember my baby is i made a notebook of wat would of been if i had my baby
    well now i have a 3 month old baby boy and he means the world to me but when i see him i wonder of my baby but i love them both


    Everyone deals with things in different ways like you said. I personally would not recommend getting any tattoo’s because it will not only be a constant reminder but also make other people ask questions which you may or may not be willing to discuss. You are really putting yourself out there and will find yourself explaining your stories to people you don’t even know. I think going thru something like a miscarriage or and abortion is a very private thing and should be shared only with who you choose. It’s hard enough without having people asking you questions and catching you off guard. I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide to do. And keep in mind time will help you accept and heal these wounds. Jessica

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