Really scared!

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    I am a mom and wife, my son just turned 4 and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 14months now. I was told that I my need to go for a IUI, because the meds they had me on didn’t work… This morning I didn’t think I was pregnant but knew I was 5days late and took a test and then a second one,they both said I was pregnant. I have tryed for so long and was just told we needed help to get pregnant I feel like the tests were wrong I am to scared to be happy. Can 2 test be wrong or is it really to soon to tell? Wish me luck.


    I’m not really sure…but good luck anyway!
    Probably best to go see a doc ASAP.


    If two tests were positive then your probably pregnant hun. If you feel like your not go to the doctor and get a blood test. Sounds to me that you are though. Let me know how it goes!



    Hey girls, good new the doctors office called me this morning and I am pregnant after all this time. I like to thank you for the support and wish you all the best. Andy.


    I am so happy for you!! Congratulations on the new baby and take care of yourself!

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