:huh: here is my story… on the 28th of december i did 2 pregnancy tests and they both came back positive ut faint. so the day after i did a didital clear blue one and it said i was 3/4 weeks pregnant. so i got it into my head i was pregnant and was happy. then on the 31st of december i did another test just to make sure and that came up positive aswell. then on the monday after that 3rd of january, i had sex with my bf and after that i started bleedin 🙁 i went to my doctors the day after and he has booked me in for a scan next week, i bled for 3 days, only light, and did another test last night and this morning and they both said negative. so now i should be just over 5 weeks pregnant but now its saying im not. whats happening? help me xx