Really confused

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      I may have posted this several times as its my first time on the forum!

      but I’m 19, on implanon and getting pregnancy symptoms, I origionally thought that implanon was super effective and there was no chance and it was just side effects of the impant, but the symptoms have gotten worse. I did worry about 6 weeks ago but the symptoms weren’t half as strong I took a test and it was negative. But I have read since that implanon can effect pregancy tests but I haven’t taken one recently.

      My partner is really supportive but does seem to think its in my head and tells me not to worry. Which is probabaly true its just I am totally conviced.

      I’m really not sure what to do.


        your best bet, is to go to the doctors.
        the implant isnt 100% effective, no contraception is!

        what symptoms are you having?
        i think you should have a talk with your doctor and see what he says.



          The unknown can be very confusing and so we need to find the answers and educate ourselves in all aspects of our lives. Don’t be afraid to do that for yourself. Go to your doctor and have him give you a blood test and end the worrying and confusion. You will have no doubt about your symptoms when you leave.

          It is very fortunate that you have a supportive boyfriend if the tests comes back positive. It’s only a responsible way to live and shows a lot of maturity on his part. If you are not pregnant, and you and your boyfriend aren’t completely sure that having a baby right now would be best for everyone concernened, than maybe you and he could have a discussion about your intimacy. Contraceptions have been known to fail more times than not, and the only form that is 100% effective is abstinence. If waiting to conceive a baby seems to be the better choice for now in your relationship, then this may also be an opportunity to strengthen the bond between the two of you and build a strong foundation to raise a family later.
          Whatever, your choice with your personal life, or the results of your test, know that you are not alone in your situation. Many here at StandUpGirl have faced these same decisions and have found support and love within this site.

          Best wishes and blessings,

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