Rape and abortion

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    I am a strong believer in having your child there are always those not fortunate of having a baby but by you being so young you should really talk to your parents and discuss what happened because it can only hurt you in the long run, and also have you considered adoption


    Hi Ali,
    I am sarah I am also 14 and have just found out that I am pregnant. Even though it was rape tell someone. At first I had told one of my best friends (I knew that she wouldn’t tell anyone), Then I actually got the courage to tell my mom today! At first I thought that she was going to kill me but she actually said really nice things and it made me feel alot better. If I were in your position which I am I would not have an abortion only because this baby that you are going to have could be adopted by a good family or you could raise it and be even happier than you are for giving it away or having an abortion. You see I am thinking about keeping mine and I think about what a great mother I could be or what a sad and depressed person I could be after having an abortion because abortions do affect you and I would think a great deal about that.
    -So if you ever want to talk just text back, because we are both in the same postion-
    *and by the way how far along are you?*

    Sarah 🙂


    i’m 17, a senior in high school and i found out last wk that i’m pregnant..although i’m excited…i don’t know what it’d be like to find out ur pregnant at only 14, especially after being raped…

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/14 17:35

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