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    Some people have no idea hoe rape can scare a person and how it can alter a persons out look on pretty much everything. Cory and I are working things out, and I couldnt be more happier about that. Only few people know this secret that is welling inside of my mind, and heart. I was raped, repeatedly. I got pregnant this last time, and this last time, I finally went to the police about it. I was so scared, and now, the worst has came and gone, so i have nothing to be afraid of anymore. As everything keeps happening to me, I think you know, God must think that I am and extremely strong person. A friend told me the other day something that I more than agree with. God only gives you what he thinks that you can handle. And i am still alive, and I am still able to breathe, I am perfectly fine, and i am happy with that, so everything that is happening me is nothing, Nothing that is going to affect me so badly that I lose my family completly, and I know that now, and I am content with that. I am so happy that I can honestly say that being raped was only one thing that happened to me, and I will NOT let it destroy me. I cant let it destroy me, I have a wonderful boyfriend, and two beautiful babies. They need me, and i will be there for them. My son Konor Jagger is the most wonderful son any mother could hope for, yes he is hyper at times, and just like me, and sometimes that is soooo hard, and Alexianna Harlequinn, she is so beautiful, she is the perfect picture of an Angel. And Cory, he is the most beautiful, wonderful, faithful, gracious, man I have ever met, he is perfect as well, my family is just perfect.

    I know this now and I now know that i can do it, and i can make it, all i have to do is STAND UP!!!!!

    love Krystel

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