R.I.P My precious little baby…I love you so much

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    I had announced a few weeks ago that I was pregnant. Well, I told my parents and they took the news better than I thought they would. But just early yesterday morning at around 3am, I woke up with terrible stomach pains and rushed to the bathroom. The pain kept up for an hour and a half until I felt something drop out of my body. It was then I realized that I had a miscarriage. I just don’t know what to do now. I feel like I did something wrong, that I did something that caused my baby to die.
    I also feel very sad that I will never get to see my baby. What my baby looks like…hear what it sounds like…to hold it in my arms…
    I loved that little baby so much, and I didn’t even know it yet. I don’t know what to do now. The only thing that’s keeping me from depression is the fact that my baby is now safe in Jesus’ arms; the best place for it right now.
    My friends and I had nicknamed the baby “Skittles”, so I shall take the rest of this post to say: Rest in Peace, little Skittles. We loved you so much, even though we had never met you.
    November ’08 – December ’08


    hun, i can only imagine your pain. i lost my son a week ago, in a car accident. but i know i at least got to hold him and see his face, but never knowing would absolutely kill me. i am so sorry and if you need anyone to talk too im here.


    I’m so sorry, but just remember that everything happens for a reason. It’s good that you know that your little baby is safe and sound in heaven, watching over you.


    I am so sorry to hear that! I will be praying for you! Hugs!


    🙁 >HUGS< I am very sorry to hear about your little one. I'm glad that you take comfort in knowing that he/she is safe inthe arms of the creator. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Peace and light, Evangeline.


    i agree with Autumn.
    I am another that thinks things happen for a reason. It would be very hard to go through a m/c and especially when the baby was very wanted.



    Im so sorry to here about your lost I lost 2 but in different ways. I lost my first baby at 5 months cause he separated from the placenta and my second 1 was from miscarriage at 8wks but i carried him 4..12wks so i could only imagine your pain. God is the key to everything and he knows when you need it and don’t. So stay strong and keep your faith up!!!


    hun i know how you feel, i was almost 5 weeks when i lost my baby, everyday my heart aches for them to come back to me, to see their beautiful face, to feel their precious little feet kicking in my tummy 🙁 I feel so hollow, so empty inside, the only thing keeping me sane is knowing that my baby is in the arms of God and that he is watching over it. I am here whenever you need to talk, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    – Enya


    I to lost my baby but mine wasnt so soon. My son was born and he did not cry. i know the pain of losing a baby and i hope you are doing okay if you ever need to talk you can talk to me im a good listener and i like to think that i can help people in some small way. just know that there are people that care about you and never think that is was your fault it was just in gods plan he needed another angel thats what i allways say about my son Landyn James. Just remember people are allways here to talk and i am one of them! plus it makes things alot easier if you talk to people who have been through the same thing.


    Rae im so sorry for your loss. you will be in my prayers.


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