quick question??

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  • #14071

    is it possible to still have your period and be pregnant? i have had a lot of the early pregnancy signs but have got my cylce on time every month….i thought at first it was just the normal cramps and uncomfortable feeling you get before each cycle but it has lasted for two months now….every other day it feels like i have the flu……felling tierd moody headaches ect. i have heard of it happening before but just wanted to know if anyone else has experianced this and if i should take a pregnancy test? my mom had hers for three months before she new she was pregnant with me.. would that leave me with the chance of having my cycle and not know too?….any advice would be greatly appriciated


    hi. i know this isnt gonna answer your question, but i had the same question as you. so if anyone replys ansewring this question, please let me know, thanx. 🙂



    go to the docs and get a bloodtest done.



    yeh! thats very much possible… its not very common.. but it does happen!

    i knew a girl… who didnt find out she was pregnant until she was 7 months! bcos she hardly put on any weight and she kept havin normal periods!
    its possible veyr much so!
    altho… there could easily be other explanations for your symptons… they feelings ur having… could be something else.. also.
    but.. it is possible you are pregnant.

    is there a chance u could be ?
    like.. have u had unprotected sex ?
    or skipped a pill ?

    i recomend you deffinately take a home pregnacy test.. as soon as possible!
    bcos.. ull be quite far gone if its been happening 2 months!
    and.. id speak to someone about it.. your mum if ur close… or a doctor.. how old are u ?
    doctors can be confidential.. and will really help.. they will help.. if u are pregnant.. and if ur not.. they can help with why your getting those symptons!
    its a good idea to do something, and id suggest to take more than one pregnacy test.. they arent always right! from personal experience!

    good luck! and keep me updated!
    how old are u ?

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