I am 14 years old, and am in highschool. I enrolled in the parenting and child development class, and this weekend my assignment was to take home the "Baby-Think-It-Over!" simulator. Part of the assignment was this packet thing, and in the packet are questions i must ask 3 parents. 2 of which are my own parents, but i wanted to take it a bit further and ask someone i dont know, and possibly is a teen mother.Here is the "interview"
Age of Mother:
Age of child(ren):
Questions: (please try to answer in 1-3 sentences hence the boxes to fill out this interview are really small)
A- Describe what it is like to be a parent.
B- How did yourlife change whenyour first child was born?
C- What are the joys of being a parent?
D- What are the problems of being a parent?
E- WHat dreams or goals do you have for your child(ren)?
I’ll appreciate any answers. Thank you in advanced.