Question about symptoms

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    Hi Everyone, I am hoping you all can give me some feedback.

    First off, I am 24 years old. I have irregular cycles. I have heard that it is harder for the home pregnancy tests to detect the HCG in urine.

    I have been experiencing fatigue, slight headaches, bloated, gas (burping and the other end hehehe), my breasts are sore sometimes, I sometimes experience an ache or something in my right thigh. I have also been moody that past fw days. I can be laughing one minute, complaining the next, then crying.

    I have taken like 5 pregnancy tests and all have been negative. I called my OB/GYN and they wrote me up a lab sheet for a blood pregnancy test.

    My husband and I would love to have a baby. I don’t know if I am just making myself think Im pregnant or what but I am going back and forth trying to decide if I should go get the blood test done or not. Also, if I do I am wondering if I should maybe wait till the first of Feb. I am soooo confused. Please help me if you can.



    i know its hard but i would say wait until you have blood tests and they will be able to tell

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