Question about preg symptoms

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    Hi everyone! I just would like some advise since you guys are great to help everyone on here! It has been 6 days since my period was suppose to show up. I have been queasy lately. Im confused because i took a home preg test yesterday and it was negative. Is it too early to take it at this moment or could I be using the test wrong? Any advise would be appreciated!! Thank you!


    Just act like your pregnant untill you know for sure.
    take a vitiman
    and no smoking
    no drinking
    dont stress and take is easy


    Well to start off my name is Meagan, I am 26 and on my third pregnancy, I am no expert and I don’t give medical advice but I have been there a few times now…the best way to prevent pregnancy if you are not married is abstinence, it works 100% of the time without fail…if you are married then you and your husband should both go to your doctor to talk about options that best fit you to prevent pregnancy, so now, I was 7 weeks along when I had a positive urine test with my first and 5 weeks along with a negative blood test, I was about two weeks late when I got a positive test with my second and this time around I was 12 days late before I had a positive test…on the other hand my sister has been pregnant many times and shows positive on a test before she is ever late…every woman is different and our bodies all work in different ways, it is possible that you could be pregnant and not show at 6 days late on a test, the best advice I could give you is to get a blood test from your doctor or to wait a few more days and go to a local womens pregnancy center, if you need help finding one call this number, 1-800-395-HELP, it is a number to Optionline, they can give you the number and location of the closest venter to you where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test and be able to help you make the next steps depending on the results…Feeling queasy is a pregnancy sign but until you know for sure just make sure you take care of yourself and keep hydrated and if you can eat make sure it is healthy, let us all know what you find out, we’re here for you…Love Meg


    Hi, first of all I would like to say thank you for the replies. They were helpful. I would like to announce that I am 5 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend got really happy when i broke the news to him. I was really shocked and happy at the same time!! 🙂 I told my dad and he was really supportive since I am old enough to have the baby (I’m 20, soon to be 21) Just letting you know!

    Love Kristin

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