Pressure and Pregnancy?

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    Hi there

    I need some answers from people who are/ have been or know someone that has went throught this. So here it is i had unprotected sex on the 11th (ovulation) and last night the 19th i was feeling some pressure like some one is pushing on my belly. It is right under my belly button to the end of mt stomach. I have also been hungry all the time, i have to go to the bathroom a little more. So my question is: is pressure and increase appetite a sign of pregnancy? would they show up only a week and a day later? i can’t take a preg test till christmas day? So any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Sorry for the long post.


    You could possible feel them this early but it really just depends because everyone is different! On Christmas day take your test and let us know what happens! If you take First Response you can take it a few days b4 your period is due but get a box with more than one just incase your hormone wasn’t high enough! I got my positive 2 days b4 my period was due I was suspecting and couldn’t wait any longer to find out!:) Now I’m due July 9!

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