pregnant…yes? no? pleas help need info

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    hello my name is alyssa

    i am writing here today coz i have a really strong feeling that i may be pregnant…

    im only 17 and im scared out of my wits about it but at the same time im happy and over joyed about it im just scared that it might be twins sence im next in line in my family to get twins…

    you see it was verry unesxpected and all but my bf is really happy about the thought about me might be having a baby his baby….

    im just scared that i wont be able to do it and all

    i am 2 weeks late for my perioed but i did get slight spotting for like a week strait from the 6th to the 10th

    and if i am for sure i know both me and my bf jay both do not belive in abortian and adoption is out of the question… due to that fact that i would have carried this kid for 9 months in me…

    its just not us…

    but i would like as much information on early sighns of being pregnant

    thanks alot



    I remeber that feeling….happy because me and my boyfriend were going to have a baby yet scared….simply because of my parents. I was 16 at the time. The way I knew I was pregnant was that ,of course, I missed my period and everything I ate I would throw up. But a lot of the symptoms are nausea, vomiting, tired, dizzy, headaches, frequent urination, swelling, tender breasts, darkening of the nipple area, etc.


    i know this iv been doing a little research on it but i cant really tell coz im naturally big cheasted and my boobs are always sore and im tired all the time more then usal…im costinaly peeing and latly iv been feeling sick…….

    but could it be a faulse alarm?

    like if i have it just in my mind?


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