pregnant with bestfriends boyfriend what do i do??

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    Im had sex with my bestfriends boyfriend twice once about mid dec and second on the 6th of jan. I have recently took a test and it was positive but im still getting my period but its abnormal that runs in the family. I have told my mum and she told me to get my stuff and get out so at the moment im staying with a friend who doesnt know anything about the pregnancy. I told my bestfriend that i was pregnant i just didnt mention who to and she came with me to the doctors and they confirmed it and told us to go to a place where they talk to youth about stuff like this and they have called my parents in for a meeting im really scared about everything and i dont know what to do who to tell??


    I feel for you you are in a very tough place. however your baby has to know who its father is sometimes you have to do the hardest thing because it is the right thing and remember the only thing to last a life time is love, so enjoy and love your child.


    okay well i see where your coming from ; maybe it wasnt a cool thing to sleep with your bestfriends boyfriend ; but you honestly dont need to tell anyone ; but the child . the child needs to know the father ; & uts none of anyone elses business about who the father is . . & if you wanna tell your bestfriend you can and if your bestfriend cant forgive you and stuff then she wasnt really there for you . just take sometime to think about what you wanna do.. your child is all you need to worry about . not anyone else .


    yeah i am planning on telling him when you can tell as i still have a alot to do with him and he will prob guess it before anyone else does i know he will be excepting as long as she doesnt find out. i dont know how to tell him though u have any tips?


    please remember not to let anyone push you into a choice you don’t want to make. You may be young but this is your body, your baby & you will live with whatever choice you make all of your life.
    & at some point the who the dad is issue will have to be dealt with, I think it’ll help you if your prepared mentally/emotionally, that your going to have to tell. but if it can wait for now, I know you’ve already got a lot going on. Let it wait a bit if you can- you need to care for you & baby right now.


    its so complicated i can tell how complicated but tell it now before its goes big and you wont can handle everything..

    talk to the bestfriend’s boyfriend and talk
    to your bestfriend heart to heart..

    and accept all the consequences..

    maybe its a mistake that you’ve done w/
    your bestfriend’s boyfriend but
    remember that the life inside you is not
    a mistake and not a life to blame to what you’ve done..

    i want to share to you my story abit hurt to hear i guess..

    my bestfriend did it to me too..
    it was the hardest and the most painful thing
    your bestfriend can do to you..
    but i accept and forgive them but never to
    forget the thing they did to me..

    i knew everything to someone else its more
    painful for me than if i hear that to my
    bestfriend maybe it wont hurt that much because maybe if she said it to me, its like she respect me
    and accept the consequences and the fact she did..
    but they kept it till she’s 7months for the 1st month of her i went to the hospital w/ her too and help her for her needs and almost stand for her as a man that i think she’ll be needing.. and my boyfriend stay w/ me
    in weekends and some days of weekdays and talk about my bestfriend that he’ll help my bestfriend too and be a good guyfriend to my bestfriend..
    for the beginning till i knew i thought that i was a very good bestfriend and friend to her
    because everyone around us telling her bad things about her pregnancy.. and a very good boyfriend that will understand the situation of my bestfriend..
    and the time i knew that she’s pregnant to my boyfriend. I was so shock i dont even know what to say and to do in nice way that i can express my feeling.. at 1st i cant believe it and the person who told me is lying and just want me to stop helping my bestfriend but no
    i ask him and her both together and my bestfriend start crying and my boyfriend face is like shame and sorry.. i ask why? they just said sorry.. and for me sorry isnt enough..:(
    i cried myself for almost half a year and still forgetting the pain for what happened to us..
    they lied and the most hardest thing to accept is
    they’ll having a baby and i cant get my boyfriend back because of the baby..
    and i lost a bestfriend because i loss my
    trust and believe to her:(
    i cant blame them and i dont blame the baby
    for what happened but i feel the pain so bad..
    that i ask myself why my boyfriend? why my bestfriend?

    so thats my story..
    i wish you learn and know something to the part of the bestfriend who doesnt know,, the person who will be hurt in the end..
    but i didnt say that you wont be hurt..
    everyone in the situation like this will be hurt by their own way..
    but i wish it wont become so big like what
    happened to me..

    if you want more personal and more deep
    advice or just someone to talk to message me anytime..
    ill be here and listen..


    ok! your situation is very complicated., i really wanted to help you., but i can’t if i can get you then i will., btw regards with your problem i think first thing to do is try to talk to your mom about being pregnant that it’s not what you want, it’s not what you wish and what you dreamed.,tell her that you need her., you need her on your side., that you are in the hardest play with your life., and you are praying and hoping that she will support you all the way., tell her that you understand her., being a mom of 13year old pregnant is really hard to accept the fact that her little baby is pregnant and soon to be mom., i hoped you understand what she’s coming through about your news., after talking to her tell her you are giving her time to think., you will not rush her to accept you but either you will expect and wait her! i think when time comes that she accepted you., that i think that was the best time to tell your best friend the truth that her boyfriend is the father tell her that you and her boyfriend cheated her., i know it’s really hard but you have to do it for the baby., if best friend will get mad and forget about everything with you., it’s very normal you have to accept the consequence of your works., and ask forgiveness,. i hope this would help., because i think you can solve problems one by one to be able to think for better! 😉 any problem? just wall me! cams2know


    You have a BIG MESS of complications on your hands I think you should talk to everyone Individually (ur mom, ur friend, and ur firend boyfirend)and let each one now how u feel. I hope it all works out for u


    yeah thats what im planning on doin im just procrastinating…


    I have told him and i will tell her within the next few days.
    he wants 2 b part of the of the babys life


    i have told the father and he was really good about it.
    he broke up with my friend a week ago for me and she didnt tell me so i think she knows :(…
    he wants me to move in with him so he can watch the progress of our baby so he wants to be involved :laugh:


    I would like to know how your friend feels. I know a person in my school who slept with her bestfriends boyfriend, their not friends anymore because lack of trust 🙁 . It didn’t result with a baby though.


    lost_dayna wrote:
    [quote]Im had sex with my bestfriends boyfriend twice once about mid nov and second on the 6th of jan. I have recently took a test and it was positive but im still getting my period but its abnormal that runs in the family. I have told my mum and she told me to get my stuff and get out so at the moment im staying with a friend who doesnt know anything about the pregnancy. I told my bestfriend that i was pregnant i just didnt mention who to. we went to a family planning place and they told us to go to a place where they talk to youth about stuff like this and they have called my parents in for a meeting im really scared about everything and i dont know what to do who to tell??


    yeah i dont know but the father has just pulled out so thats great im about ready to give up.


    dont give up!!! you’ve come so far already. if he isn’t man enough to face up to his responsibilities, then he doesnt deserve to be a father. you have enough to deal with as it is, so dont let his immaturity and indecisiveness push you into something that you dont really want to do.
    I think that this meeting with your paernts is a very good idea 🙂 a very positive step into the right direction. I hope that it goes well.
    Love Eva


    im not going to change anything it to late for that im just back to step one so worried. he is saying that i have to abort it im not going to… mum wasnt ready to talk so we had a meeting but it was with my auntie instead and yeah that didnt go too bad

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