pregnant with 2nd child don’t know what to do????

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      I’m 20 years old and already have a 8 month old daughter, I just found out I’m preggers and I have no idea what to do! I am still with my baby’s father and he is just as confused, I’m scared to go through with the pregnancy in fear of my parents but I read up on abortion and feel thats not the right choice for me, I don’t know where to turn!! What should I do? I’m so scared, please give some advice, thank you.


        Well there are other choices out there besides abortion.. Have you thought about adoption? There are so many couples out there that would love to be able to build to their families that can’t have any or no more children.. Thanks for choosing life for your baby.. I know it would be hard on what to do but you do have options out there…Just take some time and think about what it is you really want to do and then make a decision and stick with it.. Make sure that you can live with yourself after the decision that you made… I do hope and wish the best for you and I hope it works out the way that you hope and want.. This is just my opinion though….


          hi, Listen to your HEART.. you can already feel God is saving you and your baby and Stick to the TRUTH that Abortion is a murder. Don’t kill an angel-don’t kill your baby.. BELIEVE that YOU WILL SURVIVE AND GOD WILL HELP YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND TO GET THROUGH ALL THE CONFUSIONS AND STRUGGLES YOU ARE INTO RIGHT NOW. WE WILL PRAY THAT YOUR PARENTS WILL BE ENLIGHTENED TO SUPPORT YOU INSTEAD. KEEP YOUR TWO BABIES.. IN THE END OF YOUR JOURNEY, YOU WILL BE HAPPY AND YOU WILL BE BLESSED.. I will be praying for you.


            trust me hun i know how u feel..My son is 11 mos old and i’m 16wks preg w daughter was 10 mos when we found out i was preg w our son..i promise u if i can do it you can do it..I’ll be 22 w 3 kids..if u have yim aim or msn email me and we can talk ok!!


              Thanks to all of you guys, I feel so uplifted & encouraged, I appreciate all the support, advice & prayers, I think I will listen to my heart, my heart says I CAN do this and I will keep my beautiful blessing, I will keep you guys up to date, thanks so much!!! xoxox


                You have done it once and can do it again. It will be hard but worth it! And your kids will grow up together 🙂

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