pregnant w/ #2

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  • #17162

    Well i found out last week that i am 5 weeks preggo w/ baby #2…my daughter will be a year old may 9….so they will be pretty close….but its all ok…me and hubby are buying a house this summer YAY i cant wait…and we will be all ready for this baby….oo and BTW i will be 19 in two weeks….hubby is excited and so am i πŸ™‚ just wanted to let everyone know


    Congrats on baby no. 2! Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy and the house buying! πŸ™‚


    dont worry about them being so close…my daughter was 10 mos when we found out i was preg w our son is now 5mos and my daughter will be 2 may 25th..i love them being so close…Alexis absolutly loves her baby brother Congrats on the new arrival!!


    Well, you know how I feel, my dear….but I will post here also…I am so happy for you and Josh, and I’m continuing to pray for your back and your health, so that you will be able to carry this wonderful gift that God has blessed you with. IM me and let me know how your doing and how your feeling, OK?


    Congraudualations on baby #2!!!


    WOW…so I guess you have been busy with more than just work LOL…I miss seeing you online in the afternoon but I am so happy that the Lord is blessing your family and now growing your family πŸ™‚ Keep us all informed…are you hoping for a boy or another girl????…Meg


    Thank you everyone πŸ™‚ Hubby wants a girl (Jessica Lynn) and i want a boy (Nicholas Patrick) lol but we will see hehe and i’m sorry Meg I got another job working full time at a Preschool i LOVE it…..and w/ aly turning one and work and stuff i havent had a chance to ge ton alot…..:)

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