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    I know I’m pregnant but I am so in denial about it, I keep telling myself that I am not pregnant and it could possibly just be a false alarm. I’m confused right now; I don’t even know what I’m talking about. Help please.

    My last period ended last Feb 17 and now it’s April 19 and I still don’t have my period, I skipped the whole month of marched. I already took a pregnancy test in different weeks – 4 times POSITIVE! I took the first one right after I missed my period last march.

    1. I’ve been having headaches when I ride a moving vehicle and it kills me!

    2. I’ve been wanting to vomit every after eating (I vomited a few times coz I wasn’t able to hold it).

    3. Talk about my best friend, sleep – I’ve been sleeping most of the time since March. I’ve changed my sleeping habits. I go to bed at 1am-3am. Wake up about 10-11am. And I go back to sleep again after lunch which is about 12-1pm. It’s weird. It’s like I’ve been having a bad jetlag!

    4. I’m 5’5 in height and I used to be 114lbs and to my surprise I gained 5lbs within 2 months!!!

    5. I’ve been eating so many sour foods lately. I’m also craving for shakes and the beach!!!??? Well, okay.. it’s summer here in the Phils but it’s kinda weird for me since I feel like dying if I wouldn’t be able to go to the beach.

    Help… Please tell me I am pregnant. I’m still in denial. I’m scared! I don’t know what to do or say!!


    thank you and god bless! hoping for your reply


    four positive pregnancy tests mean you need to go to the doctor…it will be extremely good to get prenatal care and get support from people…i was in denial for a month and a half, and finally i was forced to "find out"…just relax…it will be okay. promise.


    yes. you definately ARE pregnant. Go get ur checkups done etc etc. Keep us posted!
    Do you have support?


    uhm the worst thing is that.. no one knows about it….. just me and him and a friend…….


    no one knew about mine for a while either. I’m still slowly telling people. you can take that at your pace. But there are some people you should tell, so you can get support. You def. Need to go to the doctor, it will make sure you and the baby are safe, and maybe seeing it and hearing the heartbeat when it’s time will make it more real for you.
    good luck!


    You need to go to a doctor. Sometimes the hormone can make the test say your pregnant when your not. But act as if you are pregnant and stay healthy. You can start taking prenatal vitamins now. But my advice is to go to the doctors. You want your little one to be healthy.

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