Pregnant or not?

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  • #17698


    I am so confused right now…. a couple of weeks ago I lost my virginty with a guy at a party I was at. Now I am worried that I might be pregnant. Friends that I have talked to don’t think I could be because he pulled out before he came…. can I still get pregnant that way. I’m not on the pill and he was not using a condom(oh why do i drink)… I am 5 days late, and I haven’t been late since I was 14 (I’m 19)… I am always able to predict to the day when I am going to get it. Plus I have had a few of the other symptoms, like i have been throwing upin the morning, etc,… I was going to take a home pregnancy test but feel silly getting all worked up if there is no chance that he could have even gotten me pregnant. Can someone help me???


    it is possible to get pregnant even if he pulled out. theres pre-cum and that is just as potent. So it is possible that you are. I would take a test then you could rest your mind

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