Pregnant … Or not?

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    Okay, so here’s my story: I’m a typcial 16 year old. I sneak out, I lie to my mum, and I even stay up past my bedtime. Haha. But I’ve also had two one night stands – within a week of each other. With the first guy we used protection, so I knew we were safe; but with the second guy we got too caught up in the moment to even think about something like that. We had unprotected sex. Now I am 11/12 days late for my period and I am beginning to freak out a little bit. I have never been late in my life.

    BUT .. He didn’t come in me in the first place. So I thought I was safe. Then my friend brought up the topic of “pre come”. So pretty much my question is … Can I become pregnant from pre come or not?

    ..I realize it may sound like a noob question but I just want to make sure before I jump to any conclusions about this.


    I think there is such thing, but I’m not 100% sure. I got pregnant & was really surprised. Because I pushed him off a few times, so we didn’t really have sex if you say & I never knew he ejected and we didn’t use protection. If you add the times up together it was probably 2 minutes or so & I have realized you can get pregnant really quick & easy while most people don’t realize that. This was with a one night stand too who I met at the beach. I had an abortion at 18 & do not encourage you to do so if you are pregnant. It will do huge damage to your mental, physical, spiritual & emotional state! And if you aren’t pregnant, you should thank God and be abstinent. Which is hard, but you can do because I’m living proof & I was a wild one!


    You can get pregnant from pre cum, and a lot of women do. Get a pregnancy test, and if youre pregnant tell your parents.


    Hey 🙂 Thanks for your advice..Even if it wasn’t exactly the thing I wanted to hear. But I need to hear it I guess. I still haven’t found out if I’m pregnant or not, I’m just waiting to see what’s going to happen. But at the moment na-da.

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