pregnant? not pregnant?

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    well most of you know me and know my story.

    well anyway the last couple weeks, i havent been feeling very well. i’ve been throwing up, little pains in my belly, feeling hot, feeling faint, and extremely sore boobs.

    ive taken 7 pregnancy tests, all with the same results- negative.

    ive been to the doctors and they are convinced im pregnant aswell.

    they’ve given me one of those bottles to pee in so it can be sent off- aint that the same as peeing on a stick though?

    what does everyone think?



    Thats how I’ve been feeling and I took a pregnancy test and it said negative as well! I’m only sixteen and my mom would KILL me if she found out I even had sex so I haven’t gone to the doctor.


    have you guys missed your period? cause if your getting all these negatives but havent even missed your period your hormones are strong enough to show up on a test. if you can try to get a blood test!

    katiebuggs 13

    you probley are pregnant but when they send it off they run more test and that can tell you even if your only like 7 days pregnant i just found that out my doctor did that to me in dec. when i had my misscarrige! and now not even 3 moonths later here iam am 7 week pregnant… but i hope i help you a lil bit


    the doc’s are thinking you are pregnant? why didnt they simply make a blood test, the hgc hormones sre shown there much sooner than in pee?


    i was on the injection, came off it beginning of march, so i havent had a period since november- forgot to mention that.

    so i cant even figure it out by tat.

    i dont know why they dont a blood test.

    im all confused


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