Why are you with two guys?
Pick one and stick to it, if you dont like them, dump them and go with the other one. If you keep trying to have both you will end up alone. not to mention that if you are pregnant that will have to make a choice…
DNA tests whilst you are still pregnant can be risky as you need to have certin tests done that can sometimes make you misscarry…
If you find out when you consieved will you know who the father is?
I wish you luck, it sounds like you may need it…
And if your not pregnant, find a reliable method of birth control, pick one guy, and wait a while, if all is good, then maybe discuss a baby… But why raise a baby on your own when you can wait a little while and bring them into a world with a mummy and daddy who love eachother and are committed? (maybe not marrige, but a longterm commitment). I mean, if your going to try for a baby, dont you want them to have the best possible home and parents?