pregnant? im not sure!!!

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    🙁 Hi ya all. I really dont know if im blowing this out of rpoportion, i am 3 days late today and have been showing signs of possible pregnancy!!!!!
    I have been having terrible headaches, swallen breasts, terrible fatigue, indigestion and of course im 3 days late. Im not usually a worrier but my periods are usually very regular, so being 3 days late is very worrying. Anybodies opinion please help!!!


    Wow- I’m in the same boat girl! I’m on day 4 with no aunt flow, so I totally understand how you feel. I’m always regular, and have been trying with my fiance for a while now.

    If you can get to the doctor, do that first, since most home pregnancy tests are sensative enough to pick up early pregnancies (some are, but most aren’t)
    Blood tests work best in early pregancy detection.

    If you can’t get to the DR., try getting a home test that can be taken as early as the first day of your missed period. That may work.

    Good luck to you girl 🙂


    Well most Home Pregnancy Tests will show positive after only one day late so you should take one and make a doctors apt for a blood test. I dont know how old you are or what your situation is but you can come to me with questions if you want to. I hope all goes well…….Meg


    DO A TEST…if ur 3 days or more late then do the test to see….that’s the only way to tell


    Jjust need someone’s opinion on whether I should get a pregnancy test or not. Im on the pill but I missed one of my pills around the same time I had sex without a condom with my boyfriend. Not a very smart thing to do & Im only 16 so as you can imagine I was so paranoid. So I waited for my "period" and it was a day late.. I was relieved to see it come but then I realized my flow wasn’t nearly as heavy as it usually is and it only lasted for 3 days as compared to the 6-7 day period I have always.. I didnt really want to talk to anyone I knew about it so I thought I would just ask someone on here what they thought I should do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Thanks


    hi, to be on the safe side you should take a pregnacy test,because you can menstrate during the first trimester of pregnacy. Just because you see a little blood doesn’t make you on the safe side to say that you’re not pregnant because you cycle came on. Good Luck!!


    thanks for the advice =)

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