just to start off i read some of the messages//advice yall left..and yall give such good advice..so thats why i decided to ask you guys for advice..
sorry for the yall..im from texas..lol
anyway, i might be pregnant…
ive had some symptoms..like acne ( i usually only get one or two when my period comes…but i have it EVERYWHERE)..sore nipples..white milky discharge (sorry..tmi)…tiredness….
i usually dont get any symptoms when i start my period..except for cramps.
i just had a weird period…it was 2 days late..kind of light..im notorious for bad cramps..but i had NONE at all…it was weird.
i know i should just take a test..but i guess im just a lil scared..if i do turn out to be pregnant..i will def. keep the baby..i think it would be hard but a wonderful experience.
thank you all for your advice..i really do appreciate it..