pregnant from pre-cum?

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    hi all, well… n my bf havent been trying but the other week we had sex using the pull out method. this just so happend to be on my fertile day….a week on….my stomach was cramping while i was sleeping i fort i was gona start my period though my periods not due till sunday….so in the morning i luked in my panties and theres brown discharge, i never have brown discharge…is this implantation bleeding? is it possible to be pregnant from pre-cum?? x x x


    the "pull out method" is not birth controll….there is always a chance that you can get pregnant on any birth controll with one exception….abstinence….if you are worrid about getting pregnant then you shouldnt be having sex…especially on your fertile days…. the question is did you have any other bleeding or discharge other than the brown stuff???? If yes , you continued to bleed then you are probably not preg….if no and that was all and now you are late you could be pregnant….go take a test and let us all know what happens and please consider abstinence….I was sexually active for 10 years and it left me nothing but heartache 2 kids and feeling used and empty….thank God that it didnt leave me with anything else like AIDS…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and it was so worht it…..I encourage you to StandUp and make the same choice….Meg


    thanx so much for your advise….i am not pregnant but something in my heart desires to keep trying. i am also trying to not want this because i know me and my bf’s relationship is not very stable and im stil young, dont have a job etc bt the urges are just so strong….


    hey hun i suggest u stop having sex with him if ur relationship isn’t going so good, and it’s perfectly normal for u to have these urges of wanting a baby, but i suggest that until u get into a stable relationship of love that u protect ur self very well against getting pregnant…ok?….


    So can you get pregnant from precum? The short answer is: Yes, you can get pregnant from precum. Though the chances are quite low. Read more here:

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